Graphic Short Story The Copy Editors

Comics,socio-political,commentary, comic books, critiqueExploring how history is written (or edited) by the victors, “The Copy Editors,” written by James Hitchcock and illustrated by Joe Williams, predicted exactly what happened when McGraw Hill recently reframed the capture of Africans for use as slaves as “migration” of “workers” in a history textbook.

This time they were called on the carpet for this whitewash of a horrific crime, but how many times have they gotten away with it?

Baltimore, Ferguson are Canaries in the Coal Mine

Baltimore, like Ferguson, is an example of poor black communities being the canary in the coal mine of America's growing…

Posted by Makabre on Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Oligarchs use tools of Colonialist: Divide the Masses with Hate

Proof Positive That Goals of Wall Street Are At Odds With Average Person

Read the Future. Read Makabre

The Goal of Capitalism is Always At Odds With the Goal of Democracy

A great reprint of a valuable book for model ship builders

Check out this quality reprint of Charles G. Davis’s The Building of a Wooden Ship, a book that’s essential to model ship builders:

Building of a Wooden Ship, Charles G Davis

François-Edmond Pâris, Essential Reading for Model Shipbuilders

Free Ship Plans, books, François-Edmond Pâris, Souvenirs de’s Selected Plates from Souvenirs de Marine features more than 90 plates from the 1882 François-Edmond Pâris work “Souvenirs de marine. Collection de plans ou dessins de navires et de bateaux anciens ou modernes existants ou disparus avec les éléments numériques nécessaores à leur construction.”

With more than 130 ship plans for warships, merchant & fishing vessels and small craft from all over the world, with a heavy emphasis on Europe and Asia, Selected Plates from Souvenirs de Marine is indexed several ways so that readers can find vessels by plate number, type of illustrated vessel, name of vessel, and country/region of the vessel.

The book also includes an appendix valuable to the novice explaining how to “read” a ship plan, as well as a biography of Pâris and a bibliography of his work.