Once again, Republicans caught doing what they accuse Democrats of doing

Update 10/13/20: California GOP admits it’s placing ballot collection boxes that the state’s attorney general says are illegal, and when told to stop, in typical four-year-old style, say, “make me.”

New York Times: California GOP admits placing ballot collection boxes

As shown most recently by the postmaster general’s actions to deliberately slow down the U.S.. mail just before an election that may hinge on mailed-in ballots, and then his refusal to reverse those steps even though he promised to stop them, Republicans live by the old adage, “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.”

Original Post 10/12/20:

“California Republicans are allegedly creating fake drop boxes and tricking voters into depositing their ballots in them. Apparently they’re trying to prove voter fraud is real by committing actual election fraud.”
—Mark Joseph Stern, Slate


As I’ve said more times than I can count, “projection is the pigment with which Republicans color their world.”

To determine what illegalities the Republicans are committing, simply look at the crimes of which they accuse Democrats.

It’s simple behavioral psychology that holds true from the lowliest street criminal to the highest corporate CEO: to rationalize your own behavior, you assume your opponents are doing the same. That way, rather than being a criminal, you are just leveling the playing field.